Audrey is a new experience for readers who want to discover more about a good book.
We create ‘Book Rooms’ where you can step back into the world of a book you’ve loved, and explore it with others.
The Book Room for each book provides the opportunity to refresh your memory of the plot and characters, revisit some of the most beautiful passages, grapple with a book’s big themes and questions, debate the reviewers' opinions, get to know the author, learn more about the real-world references that piqued your interest, and more, all accompanied by bespoke illustrations inspired by the book.
Book Rooms save you from trawling the internet by bringing together all the quality content that's out there, adding lots of exciting original book and theme-related content, and presenting it in a carefully curated, intelligent and digestible way.
You might share a Book Room with your community before a book club meet up so that they can get into the mood, refresh their memory of the book, read some of the materials about the author and explore some of the book’s big themes.
The Book Room is a wonderful resource to use during a Zoom or Facebook discussion to encourage rich and flowing conversation around the book, with lots of stimulus to keep everyone engaged. There’s a detailed list of ideas for using the Book Room together here 🙂
Your community could also enjoy the Book Room afterwards (or instead of, for those who can’t attend) to continue exploring the world of the book by themselves and carry on the conversation on your social channel.
So, please have a look (it’s worth having a really good nosey, as there are lots of nooks and crannies to discover!) and see what you find.
IMPORTANT - Please note: At the moment the website only works on laptops and desktops, Windows or Mac, using a Chrome browser.
Solo or together
The Book Rooms are designed to be enjoyed solo, with a friend, or in a group – whatever works for you and your community.