Ask the group some of the ‘Discussion’ questions – the first ones are usually ice breakers, so this is a good place to start, even with a group that hasn't met before 🙂
Go through the ‘Crux’ statements and discuss how far people agree with each (this can get quite animated, with philosophical statements that summarise the book - like 'our past will always define our future', or 'There's always hope somewhere, but you may have to look for it')
Ask people to read the Quotes out loud and use the prompts to start a conversation
Look at the Reviews and discuss whether you agree or disagree with the reviewer’s opinion, using the prompts. You could also do this in break-out groups - assign one review to each group, and report back with the group's opinions
If people have already read the Mind Guide (which might be about something like 'Loneliness'), you could try the Practice (e.g. a mindful meditation) all together or in smaller groups
Ask people to read some longer extracts out loud (this can be a really warm and intimate experience, and harks back to Audrey's previous form as a tool for reading aloud)
Look at the illustrations – how do they compare to what you imagined when you read the book? Can we interpret some of the more abstract ones?
Look through the Book Jacket gallery and vote on the country with the best book jacket!
Organise another meet-up to watch or listen to a film or documentary from the ‘Suchlike’ page, or get involved together with one of the Causes.